Commercial Law

Real Estate and Construction Law

Public procurement and public-private partnership

Contract law

Insolvency Law

Criminal and Misdemeanor law

Intellectual Property Law

Environmental Protection Law

Tax law

Sports law

Administrative and Constitutional Law

Luka Brezovec

Tel.: +386 (0) 82 004 333

Mob.: +386 (0) 31 688 687

Fax.: +386 (0) 82 004 334

Beethovnova ulica 7, 1000 Ljubljana

Foreign Languages:

English, Serbian, Croatian, German


Faculty of Law in Ljubljana (2002)

Legal State Exam (2008)

Additional training:

enrolled in postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Law in Ljubljana

License to carry out real estate brokerage


Lawyer in the Legal Service of the Company (2003 – 2005)

Trainee at a Law office (2005 – 2007)

Trainee at the Higher Court in Ljubljana (2007 – 2008)

Lawyer at a Law office (2008 – 2011)

Lawyer at the Law Firm Brezovec, o.p., d.o.o. (since 2011)


Bar Association of Slovenia (since 2005)

Membership in supervisory boards of various companies

Honorary Consul of the Republic of Latvia in the Republic of Slovenia

President of the Sport society Pravnik (2013-2017)

President of FC BRAVO (from 2018) 

Publications, lectures:

Is a bank guarantee the best insurance institution for the insurer?

Claiming damages in construction contracts.

Days of Construction Law (Official Gazette) 2015

Expert bases for the regulation of waste management and contaminated real estate and landfills in case of bankruptcy or liquidation of the company. (2015)
